What is a Health and Wellness Coach?

Maybe you desire clarity around what changes you want to make and how to make them.

Or perhaps you know what changes you’d like to make to improve your health, but there’s a gap between what you know and what you do.

As a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach trained by Real Balance Global Wellness Services, Inc (Wellness 360 Mapping) and also ACC-Certified through the International Coach Federation, I understand that there’s more to a healthy lifestyle than diets and strict exercise routines.

What is a Life Coach?

A life coach is a type of wellness professional who helps people make progress in their lives in order to attain greater fulfillment. Life coaches aid their clients in improving their relationships, careers, and day-to-day lives.

As an International Coach Federation (ICF) Associate Certified Coach (ACC) who received training leading to completion of the Certificate in Transformational Life Coaching (ICF-approved Coach Training Program through Western Seminary), I understand that each journey is unique and will help you find the right path for your next chapter and the steps to get you there.

Ask yourself...

Is a Health and Wellness
Coach for Me?

Are you...

Desiring to change your
physical movement and
eating habits?

Stuck in your efforts to move from
surviving to thriving in your life?

Willing to work with an ally that will
help empower you towards
your goals in improving your lifestyle, health and wellness?

Then the answer is YES!

Is a Life Coach
for Me?

Do you face...

Frequent irritability?

High levels of stress and/or anxiety?

An inability to break bad habits?

Lack of fulfillment in your social, spiritual, career, recreational, financial, family, or other areas of life?

Persistent feelings of dissatisfaction at work? 

Challenges preparing for end-of-life or palliative care?

Sense of blocked creativity?

Minimized understanding of purpose or direction?

Then the answer is YES!

If you answered yes, then take the next step!

Book a complimentary 20-minute Discovery Session to learn more!

Click here to book a Discovery Session!